Monday 21 May 2007

Sugar & Spice and All Things Nice

Welcome to my new craft blog!
I wanted a place where I could display and share my work with everyone so set up a new blog, Sugar & Spice. Having recently giving birth to my second son in February 2007, I have decided to concentrate on baby themed paper bag albums, mini albums, cards, keepsake tins and other altered items. I still intend to create items with other themes such as birthday, friends, and Christmas.
Unfortunately my hands are still pretty full caring for a new baby, a toddler and keeping the house running so no time for crafting at the hoo. It's so frustrating as I have all this time to sit and think up designs and buy new stash but no time to make anything. I'm still trying to make my thank you cards for Oscar's presents.
So please keep an eye on my new blog as I hope to be able to start creating soon and sharing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the bloggin' world! I just had my second baby (Jan '07), so I can relate on finding time to craft with a toddler and newborn in the house too! ;)

:) Domenica